
From Until Authors/Presenter Title ID
09:00 09:15 Program Chairs Welcome
Keynote / Chair: Horst Lichter
09:15 10:30 Ian Gorton Engineering at Hyperscale – Architectural Issues and Challenges
10:30 11:00 Coffee Break
Session A: DevOps Continuity / Chair: Stephan Krusche
11:00 11:20 Neil Ernst, Rick Kazman and Philip Bianco Component Comparison, Evaluation, and Selection: A Continuous Approach #1
11:20 11:40 Philipp Haindl and Reinhold Ploesch Towards Continuous Quality: Measuring and Evaluating Feature-Dependent Non-Functional Requirements in DevOps #2
11:40 12:00 Justus Bogner, Tobias Boceck, Matthias Popp, Dennis Tschechlov, Stefan Wagner and Alfred Zimmermann. Towards a Collaborative Repository for the Documentation of Service-Based Antipatterns and Bad Smells #3
12:00 12:20 Christina Paule, Thomas F. Düllmann and André van Hoorn. Vulnerabilities in Continuous Delivery Pipelines? A Case Study #4
12:30 14:00 Lunch
Session B: Assessment in Industrial DevOps / Chair: Damian A. Tamburri
14:00 14:20 Robert Chatley, Tony Field and David We Continuous Performance Testing in Virtual Time #5
14:20 14:40 Dominik Ernst, Alexander Becker and Stefan Tai Assessment Through Proxying and Two-Stage Load Balancing #6
14:40 15:00 Ignacio Blanquer, Francisco Brasileiro, Amanda Calatrava, Thiago Emmanuel Pereira and Miguel Caballer Convenient Deployment of Self-Managed Elastic Clusters on Federated Clouds #7
15:00 15:20 Wilhelm Hasselbring, Sören Henning, Björn Latte, Armin Möbius, Thomas Richter, Stefan Schalk and Maik Wojcieszak Industrial DevOps #8
15:30 16:00 Coffee Break
Session C: Industry / Chair: Andreas Steffens & Uwe Zdun
16:00 16:20 Philipp Obergfell, Stefan Kugele, Christoph Segler, Alois Knoll and Eric Sax Continuous Software Engineering of Innovative Automotive Functions: An Industrial Perspective #9
16:20 17:20 Knowledge Café: Industrial & Academic Research on DevOps
17:20 17:30 Closing
20:30 Joint Dinner: Brauhaus Joh. Albrecht, Hamburg

Format of the Workshop

In order to have an interesting and interactive event sharing lots of experience, we organize the workshop presentations as follows:

  • There is a slot of 20 minutes per paper.
  • The author of a paper has 15 minutes to present the paper.
  • Finally, 5 minutes remain for questions and discussion among the whole audience.